The Russians shelled my hometown again. The struggle continues. Strength to you, Kharkiv

Boris Lozhkin
1 min readSep 1, 2024


A week has passed since this drawing was published.

After the death of the author, 18-year-old Nika Kozhushko from Kharkiv, two days have passed.

A few hours ago, the Russians shelled my hometown again. Just like on August 30, they deliberately hit civilians: a supermarket, a sports facility… More than a dozen missiles on a peaceful city on Sunday afternoon.

“Now, having a full awareness of the history, the one that was and the one that is now, I am grateful that I was born in this country and I am grateful to all those thanks to whom this country is independent even today,” Nika signed her drawing “Struggle”.

The struggle continues. Strength to you, Kharkiv.



Boris Lozhkin

President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine and Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress.