Israel has already passed intelligence to Ukraine allowing to better track Iranian drones

Boris Lozhkin
Oct 24, 2022


According to the New York Times, Israel has already passed intelligence to Ukraine allowing to better track Iranian drones. There was information also the other day about the possible destruction by the Israeli armed forces of the places of production and storage of Iranian drones in Syria.

Although official Israel still does not comment on the possible direct connection between these events and the active requests of the Ukrainian side to take a clearer practical position on the issue of supplying Ukraine with technologies and weapons, especially air defense and missile defense systems, it is possible that the coincidence is not accidental.

One way or another, with the start of the arrivals of “Shaheds” to Ukraine, the Iranian threat ceased to be purely the issue of Israel and Middle East.



Boris Lozhkin

President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine and Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress.