According to the Foster’s master plan the restoration of post-war Kharkiv is supposed to be in five directions

Boris Lozhkin
2 min readFeb 6, 2023


The center of Kharkiv has been shelled again. Five people have been injured, the main building of the National Academy of Urban Economy and nearby houses have been damaged.

Ironically, the damaged academy is named after the architect Oleksiy Beketov, who built more than 40 buildings in Kharkiv. Many of them have also been damaged or destroyed over the past year. It is in this academy that future urban planners, architects and designers of public spaces study. After the victory, they will have to rebuild Kharkiv and make it even better. It is already clear how it will happen in general terms.

When in April last year it became known about the plans of Norman Foster to take part in the restoration of Kharkiv, it could be perceived as a utopia. Although driven back from the city, russian troops were still dangerously close. Northern Saltivka, Rohan, Piatykhatki, Kholodna Hora, the center — there was not a single area that could be said to be relatively safe. Entire neighborhoods were wiped off the face of the earth, and at that time one of the most titled architects in the world was talking about post-war Kharkiv.

However, Lord Foster then got down to business. All this time, his architectural firm in Madrid has been developing a master plan for the future of Kharkiv. Consultations with Mayor Ihor Terekhov, Kharkiv architects, designers and historians were conducted non-stop.

According to the master plan, developed at the expense of Foster himself, the restoration of post-war Kharkiv is supposed to be in five directions: “Heritage”, “Rivers”, “Industry”, “Housing” and “Science”.

At least in two of the five sections of the master plan — “Heritage” and “Science” — the construction of facilities has been designed by Foster himself. Their future appearance is still unknown, but given the background of the architect, it can be assumed that it will certainly be something unique.

If everything planned can be realized, an entire city will be added to Foster’s portfolio. My hometown.



Boris Lozhkin

President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine and Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress.